We’re totally not one of those couples that can wait until delivery to find out the gender of our babe (at least I’m not) so we got the results last week at our 20 week ultrasound and had a little gender reveal party with our friends and family!
*music by Bensound.com
Ahhh!! We’re so excited.
We both really wanted a boy and Dan is an only child with a small family so he’s the only one left to carry on the family name. Obviously we would have been just as happy with another girl but it will be so fun to experience a boy too. He basically has to be a baseball player and I can’t wait to watch Dan teach him to play as he gets older.
So now the name debate begins. Guy names are way harder for some reason and anything we pick has to sound good coming from the announcer…”now batting…so and so Bertolini”. These are seriously how the conversations in our house go haha.
We’re just happy to have a healthy little babe growing stronger every day <3
Link to the gender reveal baseball.
Lolly Jane
Just darling, Bre! We both have 2 boys and they are so fun- way different than our girls for sure! You’ll love the sister/brother dynamic, congrats!!! 🙂
Aw thanks ladies we’re super excited to have one of each! <3
Kenyatta Harris
Congratulations! This was so fun to watch.
Thank you so much!! We’re excited!!
Ahhh…this this gave me goosebumps! Congrats on the baby boy, they’re a joy 🙂
Thank you Cathi!! We’re super excited!!
YAY! We’re totally leading parallel lives, haha. My little girl is 17 months and we’re expecting a baby boy in about 7 weeks (eek) AND we’re fellow Ohioans. We’re so excited to have one of each… but boy names are HARD!! Congratulations!!!
Aww that’s so fun!! Congratulations to you too!! Boy names are seriously so hard, idk why!! Hope you’re feeling well in the home stretch! <3
Pat M.
Congratulations. You’ll love having one of each – they are so different, even if you raise them exactly the same. That testosterone make a HUGE difference. 🙂 Enjoy your family. They grow up and away so quickly.
Christina in FL
WOOO HOOOO!!!! Super congratulations to all!! LOVE the way you told him, that is priceless. 🙂 Thank you for the great video and thank the person who took it also, great job!
Super excited for you.
(Christopher sound good? :))))