Hump Dayyyyyyy. Happy half way through the week friends! Hopefully you all have a short week and get to celebrate the 4th on Friday. I’m heading home to NY today to enjoy a nice long weekend with friends and family and the lake 🙂 It’s hard to believe that a year ago at this time we were getting ready for our wedding; time really does fly!
Speaking of our wedding, I had gotten a wine barrel off Craigslist last year to use at the reception and unfortunately keeping it outside during the long cold winter at my parents house did quite the number on it. AKA: it completely fell apart. They were going to toss it, but I knew better than to let scrap wood go to waste.
We used it as a stand for our signature cocktail sign. Man I could go for one of those Blueberry Mojitos right now, they were SO good.
I learned that the curved pieces of wood that make up a wine barrel are called staves. That’s primarily what I have to work with, as well as the circular top and bottom that are still both in one piece.
This light stole my heart the second I laid eyes on it.
I love the idea of this wine rack. So simple but such a statement piece.
Another fabulous light fixture I’m drooling over.
Such a cute little side table!
This is such a modern looking piece, but I love the vintage within it as well. Perfect for a kitchen table centerpiece or just on the counter.
This clock would be such a great wall accessory and there are so many different ways I could customize it.
I’m not sure if this is very practical to have around but it’s pretty awesome.
And last but not least, a lazy susan! This would be cool with a monogram on it. Perfect as a gift too!
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 8
With all these wonderful ideas, I wish I had more wine barrels to take apart! I’m still trying to decide what I’ll be making but at least now I’ve got lots of ideas to mill around in my head!
Have any of you ever made anything out of an old wine barrel?
Hope you all have a fabulous day!
The Happy Creations
Great ideas!!!I love the light…I think it stole my heart too:):)
Thank you! I know, I think that might be the route I have to take 🙂
i vote on the first light fixture. If you would like to see how it would look in a bedroom, feel free to set it up in my room 🙂 What an amazing idea. on a side note, i say we have some blueberry mojitos tonight to celebrate your anniversary!
Amy @ Homey Oh My!
Had NO idea there could be so much done with a wine barrel. That light stole my heart, too. I know for sure you’re going to rock this project. So excited to see the amazingness you came up with.
So many fabulous ideas! I have to say the first one is my favorite!!! Excited to see what you do!
Love them all!
Leigh Anne - Houseologie.com
I love them all but my favorite is the light fixture!
I think that might be my fav too! 🙂
Nicole B.
Ooooooh can’t wait to see what you do with the wine barrel! So many fun ideas!
I know I don’t know how I’m going to decide!!