It’s been a while since I wrote one of these but I definitely want to try and bring them back as a weekly segment. I want to try and keeps things real around here and connect with you guys on a more personal level which I hope you’ll enjoy too.
So what’s new? I feel like I’m coming down with a cold which I feel like has been a long time coming. Everyone else in our house has been sick over the past couple of months but I managed to stay in the clear. Until now. Luckily we don’t have much planned for this weekend so I’ll be able to lay low and hopefully get it out of my system quickly. It also doesn’t help that we now have a full on walker, who literally never lets me rest until she’s down for her nap. We were so excited for her to take her first steps and just like everyone said, as soon as she does you’ll wish she hadn’t. But it’s so fun watching her explore this whole new world even though she’s getting into all sorts of mischief. Oh and she turns 1 next weekend whatttttt?? Where the heck did the time go?! Her actual birthday is on the superbowl so we’re throwing a little party on Sunday for her before the game starts. I’ve got a little dessert table I’m going to set up but I’m not going too crazy.
Next up as far as big projects go is the floor in our master bedroom. We’re going to replace the carpet that is stained and gross with some awesome new hardwood tile. Anyone have any in their home? Would love to hear your thoughts! We’re hoping to get started on it soon and get it finished before the next One Room Challenge starts in the beginning of April. The plan is to tackle the en suite which I’m super excited about. I’ve been Pinteresting bathrooms like crazy and am so looking forward to hopefully having a big new tub I can soak in.
I’m also attempting to learn how to shoot video this year. I’ve got two done already that I’ll be sharing in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned for those. And go easy on me when you watch them – I’m still a newb! 😉
Oaks has a puppy play date today with our friend’s new puppy. He’s been feeling so left out lately, I’m excited for him to get some attention and get some energy out too! I’ll share some pics and videos on my insta stories so follow along there!
Lastly, I wanted to give a shout out to my brother’s girlfriend, Jesse, who just started a blog. I know how daunting it can be in the beginning, and I admire her for just jumping in and doing it. It’s called Unexpected Cravings and it’s all about her travels and quest to be adventurous. Go check it out HERE or follow her on insta!
What are you guys up to this weekend? Tell me something fun so I can live vicariously through you while I kick this cold.
This week I’ll be looking for paint to upcycle my moms old 70’s dresser. Its veneer so i’ve been researching what type of paint to use. I’m attempting to re-do my bonus room which is proving harder then I thought, but i’m on a mission! Enjoy your baby girl, time flies fast. Both my babies are off in college and I look forward to any time I get to spend with them. Have a great week:)
Thank you for sharing Margie!! I seriously can’t believe how fast a year has gone! And as for your dresser…you’d be fine using some chalk paint which requires little to no prep work 🙂 Hope you’re having a good week!
Thank you, I’ve been looking at the chalk paints. It’ll be the first time i paint something this large so I’m keeping my fingers crossed:)
My youngest son is getting married in May so those projects are always on my mind. I’m in the process of framing a picture of him and his fiance’ in an old window that’s 24″ x 34″ and the picture is of the two of them sitting on the big rocks by a creek. I think its going to look awesome. Enjoy chasing after your little one because you will turn around and she will be walking down the aisle. Our household has had the crud since before Thanksgiving. My husband and I have had it twice. We had a lot of smoke in our area for several months this Fall from fires that got out of control due to the drought. I think breathing all that smoke for months made it hard for us to get rid of the coughing and sinus drainage. Loved the picture of your puppy on the couch. We have 4 fur babies but the big one (Joe) thinks our couch belongs to him and he get pretty pouty if someone makes him move. Thought you might enjoy seeing Joe pout. Have a great week!
Aw what a special moment for your son – I bet you’re so excited! And the picture sounds beautiful! Hopefully all the fires are done and you guys stay healthy! I tried clicking on the link, but it didn’t work. I bet your pup is adorable!
Getting an alternator replaced in the car. Don’t think this will help to make you feel better.
ha not so much. Good luck with that!