So I decided I’m going to start a new little series called Real Life Ramblings where I share some thoughts about what’s going on in my life currently. I want to connect with you guys and talk about some more personal things from time to time whether it’s just about the amazing dinner I had the night before or the struggles of being a new mama. Big or small, it’s coming your way.
Today’s rambling is actually a pretty big one. I recently made the decision that I’m going to stay home with little E and not go back to work. Ah. Throughout my whole maternity leave I was dreading the idea of leaving her and I think when I stopped working back in January, I had already kind of made up my mind that I wasn’t going to go back. Although the company and people I worked for were great, I wasn’t 100% happy with what I was doing. I was a Project Manager/Designer for a Web Design company, but it was very heavy on the PM side and not so much on the design side. It definitely pushed me outside of my comfort zone, always having to be on the phone with clients and I loved learning more about coding and all the backend stuff that goes into websites that scares a lot of us bloggers. But at the end of the day, to me, if I didn’t LOVE my job, it wasn’t worth putting the time and energy into it when I could be spending it with little E.
I still want to work and help provide for our family, but I want to enjoy it. I’ve been building up my freelance clientele and my Etsy shop is off to a great start. This blog has brought me so many amazing opportunities and I know it will continue to do so. We might be eating Ramen for a while, but we’ll make it work. Kidding. Maybe. 😉
Having a supportive husband has made this decision easier too. He’s on board 100% and wants me to be at home with our daughter. He’s in the middle of his baseball season right now so his schedule has been a bit hectic, but at the same time, flexible. He’s been able to take her into work with him a few times which has given me some much needed alone time to get some work done.
I recently finished the book For the Love by Jen Hatmaker, which I highly recommend. She’ll have you laughing out loud after the first page. One quote that really resonated with me was this:
“Stop minimizing what you are good at and throw yourself into it with no apologies.”
I think a lot of bloggers can relate to this. We’re always downplaying our successes and wanting more and thinking we aren’t good enough because our numbers aren’t “where they should be.” We continue to feel mediocre, when we should be celebrating our triumphs, no matter how small they are. But if we don’t throw ourselves into our craft and give it 100% then we’ll never see where it can take us.
I feel very at peace with my decision and know in my heart that it’s the right thing to do. I know God will provide for us and continue to send opportunities my way and I’m just excited for this new chapter in my life. And grateful for all the baby snuggles I’ll get to keep having 🙂
Enjoy your weekend!
When I had my first child I had just graduated from college and everyone told us I needed to go back to work. We were so poor in those days! But the Lord had quietly told my husband and I that I needed to be home with our family and that he would provide. We followed His lead and He has done just what He promised. Though we’ve had to be creative sometimes when it comes to finances, we’ve never regretted our decision. I ended up having an autoimmune disease that took a lot from me, and now see God’s hand and timing allowed me to be home and cherish that baby season. If I had put that off, I’d have missed it all. Anyway, long comment short… congrats on your decision! Things will work out.
Thank you for sharing this Missy! I know God has great plans for us and will provide for us what we need. I’m already enjoying every minute of being home with my daughter! <3
Justine Y @ Little Dove
Congratulations, so glad you have a supportive husband! This time when our babes are growing up passes so quickly, such a blessing to be able to stay home with them, even if it does mean we make sacrifices to do so. 🙂
Enjoy every second, even the sleep-deprived, whiney, smelly ones. 😉
Thank you Justine!! I’m very blessed to have a supportive hubby 🙂 And I’m enjoying every minute!
Marie, The interior Frugalista
Congratulations Bre! You will not regret this decision and you’ll find ways to make it work (speaking from experience). I have no doubt your Etsy Shop and creative ventures will successfully support this dream!
Thank you so much, marie!! I just know it’s the right decision and I can’t wait to spend more time with Eloise <3
Jen @ Girl in the Garage
Awesome Bre- I’m so happy for you! I felt the same when my first was born, but we weren’t able to make it happen financially. Finally when my boys were almost 2 and 3 it worked out that I could quit my job (it was sucking all of my energy out) and I’ve loved staying home for 4 years now. I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
Thank you so much, Jen!! I’m glad you get to stay home with those 3 little cuties of yours! <3
kimm at roadkill rescue and reinvented
Congrats Bre! You will never regret staying home, and I am CERTAIN that your business will be crazy successful. Hugs!!
Congrats Bre!! That’s great news! I’ve been struggling with this too, but I’ve decided to go back to work 2 days a week. We are SO blessed in Canada to get a whole year of maternity leave (Yep! 12 months!) and I think I’ll feel more ready to go back by then 🙂
Thank you Lindi! And you guys are so lucky you get a whole year! That’s how it should be everywhere. You’ll handle two days a week so great!
I made the same decision 5.5. years ago and have never looked back. You’ll love it. Congrats!
Love hearing that!! 🙂
Molly | Awfully Big Adventure
Awe, congrats on such a big decision! In unrelated news…I think I missed the blog getting a facelift! I normally read in feedly, so that might be why. But just had to add that I love the new look!
Thanks Molly! And yes, haha I kind of snuck it in there a couple months ago. Thanks for noticing! I’m loving my clean, new look 🙂
If there is one regret I have in life, it was that I didn’t stay home with my children. Not that it was always an option, but I think we could have made it work at one point with much sacrifice. I have no doubt you will ever regret your decision to stay home! Blessings to you and your family!!
Thank you so much Theresa!! xo
Laurel (@abubblylife
Congrats Bre! I made the same choice after having my first when she was about 9 months old, she is gonna be 5 soon (gasp!) I never regretted it. Good luck, you will rock it all!!
Thanks Laurel!!! xo
Christina Muscari
Congrats, Bre! It is a very hard decision to make, but I am glad you are listening to your heart. Good luck on the journey ahead!
Thank you, Christina!!!
Good for you! I did the same thing four years ago and haven’t regretted a minute of it. I was the same – I liked my job well enough but I definitely didn’t love it. Leaving to stay home with my kids was the best decision I ever made. Congrats!
Thank you Maisy! I love hearing all you mamas say it was the best decision you even made 🙂
cassie @ primitive & proper
good for you!!! i don’t think you will ever regret it. 🙂
Thank you cassie!! No regrets so far 🙂
That’s wonderful news Bre! I couldn’t be happier for you and it’s 100% the right thing to do. You’re going to ace freelancing and being an amazing mama. xx
Thank you so much, Fran!! xo
Sadie Seasongoods
Congrats, Bre! I can relate to your feelings, but perhaps not in the way you’d expect…my husband and I actually chose to remain child-free, so I’ll never have to make the kind of decision that you did. BUT, as a project manager myself for an environmental consulting firm, I completely understand the feeling of disconnect as you get pushed further and further into the business-side of things instead of the technical side. It’s a passion-killer, for sure… which is really a huge part of why I started my blog in the first place: I needed to be passionate about something again! (not including my Mister, our home, and our kitties, of course!) 😉 Blogging is a way to reinvent ourselves when we least expect it- cheers to that!