I’m backkkkk. Did ya miss me? I missed you guys. I really hate stepping back from the blog, but with our move and everything else going on, it just had to happen. I’m so in love with our new place and am still in the process of unpacking and organizing everything. There are so many DIYs I want to do and things I want to make, it’s hard to pick one place to start! I think I’ve decided to focus on the living room and nursery first though. But I’m waiting a bit on the nursery until we find out the sex of Baby Berto later this month. I bought an awesome mirror from Homegoods this past weekend to hang above our couch that I’m super excited about and am deciding between a couple coffee tables right now. I want to get the bigger pieces in and then worry about the details.
I’ll be sharing pics of our place soon I promise! But if you can’t wait there’s a small sneak peak over on my Facebook page.
Ok so now to what this post is really about. If you haven’t heard the news Home Depot chose me to be one of the participants in their Fall Style Challenge, yay! I still can’t believe I’m working with them and am so honored they picked me amongst all the fabulous bloggers out there. I’ve shared some deets on my Facebook and Insta but here they are again if you missed out.
Home Depot sends a select group of bloggers mystery boxes full of goodies to decorate a space with for Halloween. We were each designated a certain space and I was given the Wild Card, which means I can do whatever space I want! This was mainly due to the fact that we were moving and I had no idea what type of room I would be working with when this all began. So they send us the boxes of goodies along with a gift card to make any extra purchases or DIYs and we decorate, photograph and then share our space on their blog. Loads of fun right??
So I wanted to show you guys what I got in my boxes! First up is this Sunflower Wreath. I’ve decided I’ll be decorating our little porch, so this will be perfect for the door.
Next up are these fun plastic pumpkins and gourds. Some are orange and then there are some really cool metallic looking ones.
I got two of these “I <3 Fall” flag banners. Not quite sure how or if I will use both, but again will be perfect for the porch!
And lastly, is this cool fall lantern that had that fun little wreath in it and candle inside that lights up.
I’ve got lots of ideas and really need to start working on my DIYs for this space. Although it’s Halloween themed, our posts are due at the end of August, eek. I’ll be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever decorated for Halloween or fall in general so I’m excited to step outside my comfort zone on this one. I’m leaning towards using a white and copper color palette, with touches of orange and green throughout. The main DIY I’ll be making is a copper pipe table. I’ve got the plans all laid out, now it’s time to get the materials and build!
Oh and the hubs totally tried to leave my backdrop behind but that obvs wasn’t happening. Here’s it’s new home in our backyard. Now I’ve got new neighbors to think I’m crazy 😉
I’ll try and share some more updates along the way for the Style Challenge and be sure you’re following me on Facebook and Insta for some behind the scenes looks. And you can search #homedepotstylechallenge to see pics from all the bloggers participating.
Have a great day friends!
Paula aziz
Morning, love your posts, how exciting to get get loads of free goodies to work with, am sure you will do something beautiful, as usual with them x
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Corinna - A Designer At Home
Ooh, that color pallet sounds delightful!
Thanks girl! It’s coming together pretty well so far!
Sooo I may officially be getting a wee bit excited for fall now! Also, boys are stupid. Of COURSE the backdrop was moving with you. 😉 (We go through similar conversations whenever we move. lol)
haha glad we’re not the only ones! He should have known better to even suggest we leave it behind 😉 And yay for fall! I can’t wait to cozy up on our porch once it’s all done!
Okay, this looks like a whole lotta fun! And as much as I LOVE summer, all those colours are making me excited for fall
AH I know. I’m a summer gal, but I do love fall too! Can’t wait to cozy up on this porch when it’s all done!
Amy | Canary Street Crafts
So excited for you to be doing the fall Home Depot challenge! Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Thanks Amy! I’m super excited about it!
Alexis @ Persia Lou
Congratulations! So exciting, Bre!
Thanks Alexis!!
Marie@The Interior Frugalista
Congratulations Bre – that’s awesome!! I knew your trademark back drop would make it over to your new place 🙂
Thank you Marie! And you’re so right, there was no way I could leave it behind!
Lindsay - Shrimp Salad Circus
Jealllllous! This is so fun. And what a GREAT way to kick off decorating at your new home!
Thanks girl!I’m pretty excited to have a big girl looking porch :-p
Lindsay Eidahl
I would love to do this challenge! How much fun is that! I can’t wait to see what you are going to do with your backdrop. Will you just leave it outside all the time against the fence? Trying to figure out what we can do here through the winter and all the snow……..
I’m so excited to get started! And I’ll leave it outside probably with a cover on it in the winter, because it’s SO heavy haha. We have a white wall in our dining room that I think was wood paneling that got painted so it kind of looks like a plank wall. I’ll most likely be using that in the winter!