I know these freebies have been a little less frequent lately but now that I have a new home to decorate I’m thinking about all the great prints I need to design. Hanging art on the walls is a great way to add personality to your decor. But it can get pricey! Lucky for me I can recreate a lot of the things I like for next to nothing. And you’re in luck because I’ll obviously be sharing them all with you 😉
I’m starting to think about plans for my office area. There’s a little nook in our spare bedroom that I’ll be using and I’ve got a chair on the way, and desk plans in the works. And what office space is complete without some inspirational art?
Print it out HERE.
What have you got going on this weekend? My bestie is coming to visit and I absolutely cannot wait. I’ve got lots of unpacking and organizing to do still along with lots of blog projects and starting to decorate our porch for the Style Challenge. I started to build the copper pipe table I was talking about and it’s turning out even better than I imagined. Don’t you love when that happens?!
Have a fab weekend friends!
Can you tell me the name of the font?
Hi MaryAnn! It’s called Jacques & Gilles 🙂
I love this! Can I ask what font this is? It is beautiful!
What gorgeous lettering girl!!!
Oh I wish I could take credit! It’s one of my fav fonts 😉
I love this!
Thanks Gwen!!
Shouldn’t the printable say “I can do difficult things” rather than “hard” things? Hard to me indicates the opposite of soft, not the opposite of easy – but then I’m OCD when it comes to grammar. I do love your blog and am looking forward to watching you decorate your new home.
Katie @ Little House of Four
Ooh, I love this printable! I’m also planning out a new office space for myself and building a desk and homework area for my son. This printable would be super cute in either space. Have a great time this weekend!
OH so fun! Can’t wait to see your new space. This would be perfect for it!
Amy | Canary Street Crafts
Love the new printable and can’t wait to see your porch! Hope you have a fun weekend unpacking :).
Thanks Amy!! Hope you had a wonderful weekend 🙂
Jordan Le Bouton
Thank you for the sign. Hard times are today and I can and will do them. Just think, after you do them once they won’t be so hard anymore.
It is hanging in my hallway already.
So glad to hear you like it. Have a great day!