Well I have a little something to share with you guys today…
Our family will be growing this November! Baby Berto #2 is on the way and we’re super excited! I’m 16 weeks today so we’ve still got a long ways to go but so far everything is going great. I’m feeling good and can’t say I have any complaints. Besides peeing every other minute. I swear it’s way worse this time around. Things were good in my first trimester too and I didn’t have too many symptoms besides getting tired here and there and getting super hungry when I had an empty stomach. It’s crazy how pretty much all of that vanishes as soon as your second tri hits.
We’ll be finding out the gender again like we did with Eloise, but this time we’ll have to wait until the 20 week ultrasound which is scheduled for June 14. People keep asking if I feel one way or another about what it is, and I really have no idea! My mom thinks it’s a boy and there have been some other boy things circulating around my family but I honestly have no idea! So we’ll just have to wait and see 🙂
My official due date is Nov. 5 which seems so far away but I’m sure it will fly by just like my first pregnancy did.
I already know Oaks is going to be super jealous because he’s still super jealous of Eloise ha. But I have no idea how she’s going to react. If anyone has any tips on welcoming a second baby into the family and how to help your first kiddo adjust, I’m all ears!
I probably won’t be doing too many baby posts this time around (besides a new nursery of course) but I’ll keep you guys updated along the way with how things are going!
Wow, congratulations! As Margie said, I also had great success in involving older siblings with caring for a new baby. We had a box of books next to my feeding chair which we read whilst bub was feeding and both my older girls loved this special cuddle/reading time, and they loved telling visitors what they had been doing for the baby!
Thank you Julie! And thanks for sharing, love that idea! I’m excited to see how Eloise interacts with her new brother or sister!
Congratulations on your growing family. My daughter was 2 when my son was born. Megan became my little helper. I would ask her to give me the wipes when changing her brother even if the wipes were next to me, she was involved. She would bring me a diaper or a blanket or we would look at a picture book while i was feeding the baby. It all worked out well and Im sure it will for you too. Even the dogs got use to all of it. I had and still have Akitas that never left my kids sides:) Enjoy it all, they grow so fast!
Thank you Margie, and thank you so much for the tips! I’m sure Eloise with be a great little helper!
Yay, congrats!
Thank you Lu!
Couldn’t be more excited for you!!! Congrats my friend! xo
Thanks love!! xo
Congrats, Bre!!! How exciting!!!!! ????????????
Thanks Christina!!!
Cassie Bustamante
congrats! so exciting! wishing you all the best and can’t wait to find out the sex!
Thanks Cassie!! I’m the worst at waiting, I want to know now!
Christina in FL
WEEEEEEE!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a wonderful family and welcoming for baby part deux! 🙂 I know zero about babies so I have nothing to offer in the way of experience. 🙂 I do know no child will be loved more so all will be well.
Thank you so so much Christina! That is so sweet of you to say <3