So I’m taking part in this little 7 day instagram challenge, (follow me here if you aren’t already!) and yesterday’s task was to post a selfie and answer some personal questions about yourself. Two things I don’t do a lot of, so it was definitely a bit out of my comfort zone. But I want you guys to know more about me than just the projects I make. I want you to feel connected to what I do and I feel like that starts with knowing more about who I am and what inspires me. So here it goes.
Let’s get personal shall we? I’m Bre. My full name is Breanna but I hardly ever go by that. My nickname when I was younger was Breezy and my husband thinks it’s funny to still call me that. He’s actually changed it to Breezleton. Ya, he’s weird. Most days you can find me at home with our 4 month old daughter, Eloise, and our pup, Oakley, attempting to balance blog life with being a new mama. Messy bun and no make up is how I role these days. Our house is always a mess, there’s always spit up on my shirt and our kitchen table is always covered in craft supplies and photo shoot props. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m a designer, a crafter, a DIYer, and passionate about all things creative. I’ve got a head full of ideas, and when something gets me really excited, I dive in head first. I’m quiet when I first meet new people, but it doesn’t take long for me to come out of my shell. I love the color blue, I only drink decaf coffee or chai, I’m always cold, I watch too much tv and I hate wearing heels. I never knew my heart could love as much as it loves my daughter, and just looking at her makes me want to be a better person and work hard at my dreams. My husband, Dan, is a baseball coach and I thank God everyday for allowing me to find my best friend who I get to do life with, who keeps me laughing and holds this amazing little family of ours together.
I really hate taking selfies, unless they involve a snapchat filter, but when you have a cute baby next to you, it’s not so bad 😉
Feel free to tell me more about yourself in the comments, I’d love hear from you!
cassie @ primitive & proper
love this! i am doing the 7 day challenge too but have so many things to post between yesterday and today that i am waiting to do my intro. 🙂 loved reading more about you! i am perpetually cold, too, but i like my coffee with caffeine!
ah I know, I keep falling behind in the challenge but have been loving learning more about new and old insta friends!