So as much as I’m enjoying motherhood and spending hours each day staring at the most beautiful little baby girl, I had to give my blog some lovin’ too. You’ll notice some changes that I worked on over the weekend and I’m totally loving this new, clean look. For a while now, I’ve noticed my style leans more towards a modern aesthetic, and I wanted my brand to reflect that too. It’s important to me to have a cohesive look between my blog and my projects and I’m going to really be focusing on staying true to that this year.
I’m still working on some minor tweaks, but if you notice anything at all that seems off, or isn’t working, holler and let me know!
P.S. How gorgeous are those flowers? Can’t go wrong with grocery store blooms. And I loooove my new little vase from Michaels. They’ve really stepped up their home decor game recently and I’m loving it.
Meanwhile in babyland…Eloise turned 1 month old over the weekend! Seriously, where does the time go?! I know everyone said it would go by fast, and they definitely weren’t joking. She makes the most ridiculous faces that I wish I could just video all day long so I always remember them. Most of the time she looks like she’s working up a big ‘ole poop and that’s usually true. You just can’t help but laugh and wonder what’s going on in their little heads. Nothing melts my heart more than when she smiles and flashes those big dimples of hers. It’s seriously the cutest thing I’ve ever seen and I savor each and every one.
Luckily she’s been a pretty good sleeper and I haven’t been feeling as exhausted as I expected. Some days are better than others and we’ve had some struggles with breastfeeding and excessive spitting up, but we’re getting the hang of it. Overall, she’s a pretty easy baby and I’m hoping she stays that way 🙂 We go to the pediatrician today for her 1 month checkup and I’m so not looking forward to seeing her get her shots. Ugh, it’s gonna be tough. But she’s a fighter and I know she’ll be alright.
It feels good to finally be getting into a rhythm and feeling a bit back to normal. Luckily we’ve had some beautiful weather and I’ve been able to get outside and go for walks which has definitely helped my sanity. I love the feeling of spring in the air and just hope that winter is officially on it’s way out. It’s amazing what warmer weather and a bit of sunshine can do for the soul 🙂
Enjoy your Monday, friends!
Kimm at Reinvented & Roadkill Rescue
LOVE the new look! Eloise is just beautiful and perfect and you are doing great! Love the trickle of photos on SM. Have a great week and enjoy this weather!!
Thank you so much Kimm!! This weather is amazing! Hope you’re having a great week 🙂