I really planned on sharing these photos with you guys a lot sooner but things have been absolutely crazy around here. It’s been a month since we moved in and I still feel like there is so much to do! Boxes are still unpacked, I’m nowhere close to having things decorated the way I want and we’re lacking serious lighting in our living room. The only space that is done is our front porch and that’s only because I HAD to get it done for the Home Depot Style Challenge. Someone please give me a deadline for all my rooms! This is the only sneak peek you get. The good stuff is around the corner 😉
Ok so I really didn’t try make these pictures pretty by any means. You’re getting the reality of what our home looks like a month after moving in and hopefully a lot of you can relate. It’s just going to make all the after photos that much more dramatic 😉
We live on the cutest little block of brick row houses and have the best neighbors. They’re older and have the cutest golden, Molly. Her and Oaks have met a bunch of times but she’s 10 and isn’t really into younger guys. They’ve been so kind to us already and even gave us a little gift congratulating us on Baby Berto. Their porch is literally connected to ours, so luckily we get along.
And speaking of the porch, this is what it looked like a few weeks ago. It’s all decked out now, but I can’t share those photos with you until my post goes live on The Home Depot blog! It’s killing me! Soon though.
Enter in to our living room, which luckily our new couch fits perfectly in. I was a little nervous it was gonna be a tight squeeze. We do actually have a coffee table now but I’m waiting to share that in a post soon too. Sorry for all the teasers 😉 I’ve got big plans for this room though. It’s going to be very industrial/chic/modern. Think West Elm meets Restoration Hardware. At least that’s the vision I have for it.
The hubs’ pride and joy was mounting our TV which I have to say I’m pretty impressed with. He did a good job. Now we just need to take care of all those wires.
On to our little dining room which we are already loving, even though it’s surrounded by boxes. In our old apartment, our table was in the corner of our kitchen so we could only ever use two chairs. It’s so nice to have all four! This space needs a lot of work, but it’s not my main focus right now. We want to build or find some sort of bar situation, but that’s as far as our plans go.
And into our kitchen which I wish was bigger. There is hardly any counter space which makes it hard to prepare meals but we’re managing. We might put up some more storage on the walls to get some of the other stuff out of the way but we’ll see.
Outside! We have this little back porch room which is just collecting randomness right now, but would be such a cute little mud room.
And this leads out into OAKS PLAYGROUND. You’ll only understand if you have a dog how exciting this is. It’s SO much easier letting him out now and not having to worry about putting shoes on, or getting dressed when it’s cold and hooking him up to a leash. He loves it. And of course he has to share his yard with my backdrop. Obviously this will be an issue in the winter, but if you noticed in our dining room, the walls look like they were wood planks that got painted white, so I’ll most likely be using those in the colder months.
Off the kitchen is a door down to the basement. Look at all this space! It’s a mess right now because we need to get some shelving and/or storage so I can start putting away all my craft supplies and tools. This will be the perfect place to paint in the winter too. It’s a bit of a pain getting bigger pieces down here, but I don’t have to worry about that since I just make the hubs do it 😉
Ok up the stairs from the living room is our bathroom. I spent a little time making this room pretty. I’m obsessed with our shower curtain (thank you Nate Berkus for Target) and I’ve got a couple other little things I want to do.
Next to the bathroom is our spare bedroom which is already looking so much nicer than our old spare bedroom; aka my craft room/dump random stuff/storage room. The natural light in here in the mornings is absolutely gorgeous. This is also going to double as my office. We’ve got plans to DIY a sweet desk that will fill that whole wall where my computer is now. It’s gonna be fab. Just wait 😉
And the most important room in the house, next to the spare room is THE NURSERY! Yes this is really what it looks like right now. Terrible I know. But we got our crib the other day so now we really need to clean it up so we can put it together!
Up the stairs from the nursery is the master. And let me tell you when we first moved in, my calves were literally so sore from walking up and down all these stairs. #pathetic. I love this space. WE HAVE SO MUCH ROOM FOR ACTIVITIES…and I love that it’s upstairs away from everything else. There are tons of these row houses in the area, and a lot of the upstairs are just used as attics, but I’m so glad ours was turned into a master.
How fun is that exposed brick? I love.
And look at this closet! The photo really doesn’t do it justice but it’s huge. We hung the pipe (and when I say we, I mean my Dad), when we first moved in. And on either side is SO MUCH ROOM for all our other random stuff like shoes and boxes of clothes. I don’t have much of a plan for this room yet besides getting us some night stands and new bedding.
Oh my goodness that was a really long post. But I wanted to show you it all and hopefully next time I share photos of our home they will be a whole lot prettier.
Happy hump day!
Mandy DeTurk-Campbell
Oh I love it! I can’t wait to see how it transforms!
Kristy Hodges
Congratulations for your move! Your new home looks lovely! Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos and all the emotions involved in the process of moving house! Me and my family are going through the same right now so I know what a mess it is with all the boxes for unpacking and all the rooms to bring in order. No matter what the feeling to move to your new home with your loved ones is priceless! I wish you all the best! Thanks!
Thank you so much Kristy! Hope you and your family are getting settled in as well!
Congratulations on the new home and announcing your need for a nursery! Very exciting stuff! Once you get your creative juices flowing this house will be a lovely Home that you will feel you have been in forever! Good Luck with all of it and Have Fun!
Amy @ Homey Oh My!
I LOVE brick houses, and you have so much space to work with! I’m a fan of the mudroom idea, and I clapped my hands at the mention of NURSERY. Congrats on the move!!!!! Excited to see all the changes unfold.
Ah I know, they have so much character! I’m beyond excited about decorating this nursery, I’m already having so much fun just thinking about my plans 🙂
I like how u decorated the house entrance for the fall. It will be interesting to see what you do next.
Thank you Gabriela!
Kimm at Reinvented
What an adorable place so full of character! I. cannot. wait. to see what you do with it! Such an exciting time in your family. 🙂
Thanks Kimm!! So much potential I just want to dive in and do it all at once!
Amanda @ Dwelling in Happiness
It’s adorable!!! I love all the charming features, and how cool to have the master upstairs away from everything!! Love that brick in there, too. Can’t wait to see what you guys do to it, it’ll be so lovely! 🙂
Thanks Amanda! It’s like our own little oasis up there 🙂 Although it doesn’t look like it yet haha.
So exciting! Your new house is absolutely ADORABLE. So much charm and I just know you’re going to make it even better with all your creative touches! Swoon. Can I come over??
Thanks girl! I’m so excited to start decorating! And you are welcome ANY TIME 😉
Katie @ Little House of Four
Haha, I’m with Gilly. I totally laughed when you said you had so much room for activities too! I loved seeing your new place and can’t wait to see how you make it your own.
hahah I hope you caught the movie reference 😉 I can’t wait to share all my plans!
it is so refreshing to see a blog that deals with a home belonging to someone who does not have a lot of money to put into redecorating but who is proud of what they have and do their best to make their living space a real home. Many of us who follow decorating blogs feel as though we’re looking at reveals that are created for a magazine or just for show, not something we can relate to. I look forward to seeing what you do with this new space and encourage you to keep us posted as you go.
Hi Pat, I’m so glad you appreciated this post. I might make a lot of pretty things, but the reality is that my home doesn’t always look that way 🙂 It’s fun to share the behind the scenes stuff! I’ll definitely be sharing all my progress along the way!
It looks like an amazing space Bre!!! I can totally relate to the chaos of moving and the disaster you are forced to live through (even 7 months down the road!). I cannot wait to see what you do with that nursery my friend!!!
Thanks Kristi! I feel like there will be a couple spaces that get neglected for a little bit, but that’s ok 🙂 I’m excited to get started!
Rebekah // Charming Imperfections
I loved this post!!!! Mostly because it’s so real and makes me excited to see what becomes of your lovely little home 🙂
Thanks Rebekah! I definitely wasn’t trying to make things appear prettier than they are right now ha. Can’t wait to share all my plans!
Gilly @ Colour Saturated Life
I laughed my head off when you said you had so much room for activities in your master bedroom! I am assuming you mean a ping pong table or something! HAHA! Love your new home and CANNOT wait to see what you do with it!
hahaha. Definitely ping pong 😉 Can’t wait to share everything along the way!