If you’ve been a follower of mine for a little while chances are that either our laundry room or master bathroom brought you to me. Both of those rooms we transformed for the One Room Challenge and have been huge contributors to my blog growth and my instagram growth. I wanted to participate in last fall’s challenge but my 8 month pregnant belly kind of put a damper on that ha. I still designed Hawk’s nursery on my own time and love the way it turned out.
If you are unfamiliar with the One Room Challenge, it’s a 6 week challenge that bloggers take part in to transform any room in their home. We post weekly updates and then post our final room reveal on the 6th week. There’s always a lot of stress, tears and anxiety to get done in time, but it’s always pushed me to work on spaces I probably wouldn’t have otherwise.
There is a challenge twice a year, one in the spring and one in the fall and there are always 20 featured designers who post a day before everyone else and get the amazing opportunity to work with some pretty great sponsors.
Welll….guess who’s going to be a featured designer for the 2018 Fall One Room Challenge?! Eek! I’m so excited. Our new floors set the stage perfectly for some much needed room makeovers and now that they’re in, I can’t wait to start decorating and DIYing!
I’ll be posting every Wednesday starting next week for 6 weeks with progress and updates and all that good stuff. You’ll have to come back next week to see what room I’ll be working on 😉 And all my design plans! And be sure to follow along on instagram for all the fun behind the scenes action!
wow!!! congratulations! Can’t wait to see what you do!
Thank you so much!!
So, so excited to follow along with this my friend! Congrats!!!
Thank you so much Kristi!! xo
Can’t wait! I love your one room challenges and just love your blog generally! I love how everything isn’t a complete rip-out /reno/do-over of the whole house. It’s bit by bit, slowly making it more your own style. Much more how most of us live! Please do that powder room with the black and red tile!
I appreciate that Noelle! Ha that powder bath definitely needs it!!
Exciting! Cannot wait to see what you transform!
Thank you so much Sara!!