Ok guys, it’s been a hot minute since I did a Real Life Ramblings post but I’m going to get back into it and add in some new stuff too. I’ll be including some of my fav things from the week that will hopefully bring a smile to your face, make you laugh or inspire you.
We don’t have too much going on this weekend, but I’m looking forward to a night out Saturday with some friends. Other than that, we’ll just be hanging around and enjoying the beautiful weather and our DIY Sofa we built. We don’t have a pool or belong to one, so when it’s hot out, we usually just hang out on the back porch and put our feet in Eloise’s little plastic pool. Sad I know, haha. But she loves it!
A follower of mine just told me about Mandi Makes and I fell deep into the rabbit hole on her insta feed. She’s in Cleveland which is only a little over an hour from us. I love discovering other bloggers nearby!
I keep getting the New Balance catalogs in the mail and basically want everything. This Kimono is at the top of my list though.
Don’t forget to check out the tutorial for our DIY Modern Outdoor Sofa.
This herringbone kitchen countertop I spotted on Pinterest stopped me in my tracks.
I’m almost done with my little office nook makeover and will be sharing it soon!
Also, Prime Day is next week! I’ll be sharing a post of my favorite deals, either here on the blog or on my insta stories. Or maybe both. So keep an eye out for that!
And finally a little encouragement from this quote.
Hope you all have a fab weekend!