I don’t know about you, but I seem to go through keychains like a crazy woman. I’ve never really had one that I loved but they always seem to fall apart or get worn out or I just get tired of them. It’s no secret I love me some tassels, and after I made this Tassel Garland for Eloise’s nursery, I always thought about turning them into keychains too. So here we are…a super easy DIY Tassel Keychain that will hopefully put a little smile on your face every time you grab your keys.
As you know, I’m working on my video skills, so I have another one to share!
If you want to make one yourself, here’s what you need:
*affiliate links included
:: string
:: wooden beads
:: key ring
Tassel making is extremely addicting. Once you start you won’t want to stop! 😉