If you’ve been around for a while you already know about The Monthly DIY Challenge. Every second Wednesday of the month I get together with a fab group of bloggers to bring you a crafty DIY. We all pick a theme or product for each month and all put our own spin on it. Some of our themes from last year were dollar store, cork, plumbing pieces, and paint. We’ve got an awesome list of ideas for this year, but for January we wanted to start out by taking a look back on last year at each one of our top posts from the challenge.
But today’s post is extra special because we want to see YOUR best posts from 2015 too! They don’t have to relate to any of our themes from the challenges, just share your favorite or most popular post from the past year. We’ll be taking a look through them all and sharing our favs across social media during the next month.
And be on the look out next month for our first new theme: Metallics!
Brepurposed :: DIY PVC Pipe Table
Dwell Beautiful :: DIY Bedroom Canopy
Little Red Brick House :: DIY Dollar Store Windowpane Mirror
Making it in the Mountains :: Frosted Dollar Store Vases
Little House of Four :: Updating the Entryway with Sherwin Williams
Houseologie :: Campaign Style Wood Crate
DIY Passion :: Make End Tables Match
Canary Street Crafts :: Fabric Covered Bulletin Board
Meet the B’s :: Chalk Painted Basket
Average But Inspired :: Plumping Pieces Kitchen Art
Anything and Everything :: DIY Address Plaque
Now it’s your turn! Share your top posts from last year for a chance to get featured on our social media channels all throughout the next month. Please limit posts to DIY, Crafts & Home Decor. Let’s see what you got!
Well, thanks a lot! I’ll probably be spending every free second of my day visiting all the links in this post! Sorry dishes, you’re gonna have to wait.
ha! dishes are overrated anyway 😉