DIY Pumpkin Planters

Sep, 16, 2015

So what did you think of my Home Depot Style Challenge?! I hope you guys enjoyed it! That was honestly the first space I’ve ever completely made over and I’m so happy with how it turned out! Now I just need to do the rest of the house…I do have some living room updates to share with you soon that I’m super excited about! But today I’m here to share these cute little DIY Pumpkin Planters perfect for fall.

If you know me at all, you know I love a good planter, and succulents. So it only seemed fitting to make some holiday themed planters for fall and what is more perfect to use than pumpkins?! I’m not a huge decorator for every season but adding some new plants is always a good idea, right?


DIY pumpkin planters in white and copper

I used them throughout our porch space and they were so easy to make – plus they’re super cute. You can never go wrong with succulents right?


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Plastic Pumpkins (hollow ones work best, but I also used some styrofoam ones)
Sharp Knife
Spray Paint (optional)


For the hollow pumpkins, which you can find at Michaels, use your sharp knife or an X-Acto Knife and cut around the top of your pumpkin like you would if you were carving it. The top should come right off and you can just toss it in the trash.

Plastic pumpkin turned into a planter for succulents

If you have styrofoam, which I really don’t suggest, this step is a little trickier. Home Depot sent me these to use, otherwise I would have stuck with the hollow ones. But this was just another part of the challenge!


Cut around the top like you would with a plastic pumpkin. Try and cut at an angle going in towards the middle so that you form a cone shape and it’s easier to remove. You might need to do some extra cutting to get the top off. Once you do, grab a spoon and start scooping out the inside to make it as hollow as possible.

*Do this over a trash can because those little particles get everywhere!

It takes a little work but it comes out pretty easily and you’re left with the perfect little spot to add your succulents.

cut tops of plastic pumpkins to make planters


The next step is optional depending on what color you want your pumpkins. I kept the white plastic ones as is, but spray painted the styrofoam ones copper to match the rest of my decor. I love how to copper and white look together!


Next up just fill your little pumpkins with some soil and plop your succulents in! I used some regular garden soil and you definitely don’t need a lot.

soil for DIY pumpkin planters

soil filled pumpkins for planters

You can probably just expect some sort of planter DIY for every season. I don’t think I’ll ever get over succulents. Look how pretty! And they stay alive for a while which is perfect for me and my black thumb.

DIY Pumpkin Planters

tutorial to make diy pumpkin planters

I’m totally loving the copper, white and green palette I used. It’s a great alternative to bright orange, if you’re not a big fan like me.

Use copper and white pumpkins to make planters

neutral fall decor

copper pumpkin planter for succulents

add succulents in pumpkins to create planters for fall

Have you started decorating for fall yet? Succulents should probably be included in your decor if they aren’t already 😉 You could even use these as little place settings for Thanksgiving along with these fun fall printables!

Add succulents in pumpkins to create planters for fall



  1. Reply


    May 5, 2017

    Thank you so much, Marie!! We’re loving our new place and I can’t wait to share some updates soon!

  2. Reply


    October 7, 2015

    I cannot wait until my house is done so I can start doing some DIY stuff like this! Unfortunately I am going to miss this season but I am definitely pinning this for next year *crosses fingers*

  3. Reply


    October 6, 2015

    Which brand spray paint did you buy?

  4. Reply

    Krista @ the happy housie

    September 18, 2015

    Adorable! Love love love the copper and white!

    • Reply


      September 20, 2015

      Thanks Krista!!

  5. Reply

    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

    September 17, 2015

    Yes Bre, I was admiring your copper pumpkins on top of that fabulous copper table on the Home Depot site. Such a great idea to add succulents to them. Your porch looks so inviting and relaxing. I hope you’re enjoying your new home with loads more room.

    • Reply


      September 20, 2015

      Thank you so much, Marie!! We’re loving our new place and I can’t wait to share some updates soon!

  6. Reply

    Rachel (Lines Across)

    September 17, 2015

    These are so clever and beautiful! What a great idea!

    • Reply


      September 20, 2015

      Thanks Rachel!!

  7. Reply


    September 17, 2015

    Bre, these are great! Such a cute idea. This is my kind of fall decor for sure!

    • Reply


      September 20, 2015

      Thanks Cyd! You can never go wrong with succulents 😉

  8. Reply

    Amanda @ Dwelling in Happiness

    September 17, 2015

    Perfect little fall planters! Love these, I think my front porch needs some! 🙂

    • Reply


      September 20, 2015

      Thanks Amanda! I totally agree 😉

  9. Reply

    Haeley @ Design Improvised

    September 16, 2015

    These are so pretty! I just finished spray painting a bunch of things copper – I am really digging that color right now!

    • Reply


      September 20, 2015

      Thanks Haeley! Can’t wait to see what you’re up to!

  10. Reply


    September 16, 2015

    These are seriously SO adorable! Love the clean modern look. This is the kind of Fall/Halloween decoration I can get behind!

    • Reply


      September 20, 2015

      Thanks Erica! Definitely not a big halloween decor person but I could have a million of these scattered around 😉

  11. Reply

    Katie @ Little House of Four

    September 16, 2015

    These are so cute and perfect for fall! The succulents look great against the cooper too!

    • Reply


      September 20, 2015

      Thanks friend!!

  12. Reply

    Amy W

    September 16, 2015

    My favorite colors holding my favorite things!! Copper and succulents for the win!

    • Reply


      September 20, 2015

      Woo hoo! Can’t go wrong with copper and succulents!

  13. Reply

    Lindsay - Shrimp Salad Circus

    September 16, 2015

    These are simply gorgeous, and I feel like you could keep them on display year-round, not just for fall!

    • Reply


      September 20, 2015

      Thanks girl! I’ll definitely be keeping these out past halloween!

  14. Reply


    September 16, 2015

    These are so stinkin’ cute Bre!!! LOVE the copper!!! SO creative!

    • Reply


      September 20, 2015

      Thanks Kristi!!

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Hi, I’m Bre! Follow along as we renovate our current home and share modern DIY ideas.

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